Explore patents analysis and TRIZ theory publications
Computer-Aided analysis of patents and search for TRIZ contradictions
TRIZ, the Soviet initiated Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, is gaining acknowledgement both as a systematic methodology for innovation and a powerful tool for technology forecasting. Nevertheless, the analysis of patents necessary for gathering the data to be used for…
Discovering new business opportunities with dependent semantic parsers
How to discover new business opportunities and how to decide which ones are worth pursuing has become today an increasingly common and crucial question for the survival of many start-ups and companies that now have an established technology in a saturated market. The academic world…
Eco-design with TRIZ laws of evolution
Sustainability is one of the most recent theme designers have to deal with and sustainability parameters are quickly gaining the top of the list of the requirements any product has to fulfil. Due to standards, legal regulation and customer growing awareness of environmental issues, engineers cannot avoid…
Function-based patent search: achievements and open problems
Patents are an increasingly important source of technological intelligence that companies can use to gain strategic advantage. They can be used as a stimulus for R&D to search for whether someone somewhere has already solved the problem or a very similar one. In this way, the answer to technical questions depends on how we are able to extract…
Innovation Lab: How to Generate Patents in One Day
This paper presents a critical review of laser pyrolysis. Although this technology is almost 60 years old, in literature many researchers, both from academia and industry, are still developing and improving it. On the contrary industrial applications are struggling to take off, if not in very restricted areas, although the technology…
Patent searches opinion: How to minimize the risk when reviewing patent applications
This paper is addressed towards minimizing the risk inherent in making patent search opinions and to increase reliability especially in clearance product analysis. Indeed, in recent years, it has become more and more complex to provide professional patent analysis due to the growth of…